28February 2023

Netflix account sharing comes to an end for people in Canada

According to Netflix's director of product innovation, Chengyi Long, password sharing impacts the company's ability to make money. The announcement stated that over 100 million households are sharing accounts, inhibiting Netflix's ability to invest in significant new TV and films.

The additional charges and account-sharing measures are part of the company's password-sharing crackdown to encourage users to subscribe to their accounts and increase revenue.

Most Canadians were disappointed about the recent account-sharing measures and additional charges. The new plan limits the use of a single account to just one household, meaning that anyone living away from the primary address has to pay an additional $7.99 to keep their profile.

The new policy will impact a wide range of users, especially those students on university campuses, frequent travellers, friend groups, and families sharing an account.

We understand that Netflix is trying to crack down on password sharing and increase its profit eventually, but the new measures have caused more harm than good.

The fact that the new policy changes were implemented immediately after being announced is frustrating and the double standards between North America and Latin America have left Canadians feeling undervalued.

While I have yet to cancel my membership, I can understand why many have done so. Long-time subscribers are even campaigning for others to leave the platform. This move may cause Netflix to lose a significant number of subscribers, mainly since the company reported a staggering US $ 7.8 billion in revenue in the third quarter of 2022.

In Canada, the new account-sharing rules are pretty restrictive, with an ad-supported plan costing $5.99 a month and a basic plan without ads costing $9.99 a month.

As someone who enjoys watching Netflix with family and friends, I'm not sure if most Canadians are willing to pay these additional charges. It remains to be seen whether or not Netflix has shot itself in the foot with these measures, but we are keeping a close eye on the situation. Are you going to cancel Netflix or pay for additional accounts?